Spread of disinformation is one of the biggests threats to democracy and public health.

Jigsaw is a unit within Google that forecasts and confronts emerging threats, creating future-defining research and technology to keep online conversations safer.

Focus on incubating and evangelizing groundbreaking technology that measurably reduces the prevalence or effectiveness of disinformation. Work closely with R&D, UXR and engg to define emerging threats, target user groups and design speculative solutions for these problem spaces.

UX Designer

Disinformation lifecycle

Understanding the landscape

How can this cycle be interrupted?

By identifying and helping high-impact users on the front lines fight harmful disinformation

The three users groups we identified have immense influece in their fields, similar needs between them and unique opportunities specific to each.

Journalists & Fact Checkers

Journalists and fact checkers try to intervene at the distribution level to prevent disinformation from entering the consumption cycle

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